Sunday, June 27, 2010


有时候会觉得很气某个人...因为他是那一种比较大咧咧的人...什么都会无所谓、没关系...所以有时他会不知道我在气他什么...但是当他在哄我的时候真的让我不懂该生气还是开心...明明是在生气他的...但却在当时觉得他很可爱...也许这就是我爱他的原因吧...虽然只是短短的3个月...但我发现他已经变成了我生活的一部分了...我们是远距离的恋爱...所以要见面会比较难...也可能是因为这样...我会抓的比较紧...换句话来说就是我会很害怕失去...昨天因为生病了...所以就发了他的脾气...过后又胡思乱想些有的没的...害他担心了...其实我一直很想说谢谢他一直以来对我的疼爱...谢谢他对我的体谅、包容...有些他不喜欢我做的东西...其实我都有很努力在改变的...只是改得比较慢噜...XP 因为现在已经不是一个人过生活了...所以不能再一味的顾着自己习惯了...我希望我能成为他最满意的另一半...

Friday, June 25, 2010


sometimes... i really scare that i will get depression... everyday of my life is just college then home... when read all those people post going where to have fun, shopping or what... i feel envy because i do not have these... i am just like a clown in my life... is wearing a mask in front of people... the smile is so fake... this make me realized that no matter how... family will be the only 1 who are supporting and care me always... and you... you are the strength when i m weak... thanks for being with me...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


my nub nub face... wakaka...
last few days was busing for PTPTN loan... a lot of documents had to certify... and a lot of troubles were getting on me... haiz... but finally it had been settled... when i saw my document and there was written there 'meninggal dunia' on the status of my mum's name... my heart was like poked by something... then tears were dropping down... i just realized that i still miss and love her the same as when she was alive... i'm happy that i born in this family... ^^
a lot of assignment and i am in a lazy mood... hope all will go smooth...
miss my baba... july will go back n celebrate birthday with him... erm... i think i wan save money from now on then will buy him a cake...^^ because seem like we never celebrate his birthday with cake... wakaka... i want give him surprise... huhu~